Reports/Summaries Main Page

Coaching Reports

Coaching Report
This report allows you to search the coaching reports from a variety of criteria.

Coaching Data Summaries

To run Coaching Data Summaries, choose the appropriate summary from the list below and it will take you to the summary page to enter in your search criteria.

District Coaching Summary
This report allows the user to gain information about the how coaching time is being spent in multiple schools across a district. The user can choose one or more schools from the district and view multiple data summaries with tables and charts, including reports by interaction type, reports by content area, how the coaches have been covering the school specific standards, and number of reports submitted by school.

School Coaching Summary
This report allows the user to gain information about the how coaching time is being spent in the school. The user can choose one or more coaches assigned to the school and view summaries of time spent by interaction type, amount of time spent by specific teacher, # of minutes spent in general and by content area, and how the coaches have been covering the school specific standards.

Teacher Coaching Summary
This report allows the user to gain information about the how coaching time is being spent for a teacher or group of teachers. The user can choose one or more teachers and view a summary of the coaching reports, amount of time spent by a coach, # of minutes spent in general and by content area, and how the coaches have been covering the school specific standards with teachers.

Teacher Coaching Minutes Summary
This report allows the user to gain information about the how coaching time is being spent for a teacher or group of teachers.

Content Coach Summary
This report allows the user to gain information about the how content coaching time is being spent in the school. The user can choose one or more coaches assigned to the school and view summaries of time spent by activity type, amount of time spent by specific teacher, # of minutes spent in general and by content coach.

Report Generator
This report allows the user to gain information on the coaching a particular teacher or groups of teachers have been receiving at the school. The user can choose one or more teachers to print a PDF of the coaching reports submitted in a defined time range.